Monday, May 7, 2012

Poseidon's Tiki Bar - DJ Judge and DL Jeni

We dressed in leather and lace. DJ Howling Judge Thunder played great dance tunes. The dancers whooped it up and showed off their funniest dances.  Great party!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco de Mayo Dance at Zepher's - DL Jeni Luck

We wore sombreros, shook our maracas, and joyfully danced to DJ Jaffee's Latin music.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Big Band Swing Dance at BJ Legends - DL Jeni Luck

BLegend's owners, Justme and Bob Corrigible, did a wonderful job of decorating a big band era street scene.  DJ Bob played an awesome selection of 1930s and 1940s big music.  Dancers wore great costumes of gangsters, flappers, and more.  There was lots of fun dancing and conversation.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Funky Feats Dance at Key West - DL Jeni Luck

The theme was about winners and winning.  The very creative DJ Eaton found an amazing array of tunes.  Delphia ran a wonderful light show.  Dancers wore costumes to celebrate their favorite winners.  We laughed and danced joyfully!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cinco de Mayo Dance at WEKIR - DL Jeni Luck

Minister created a very festive cantina and decorated it wonderfully for Cinco de Mayo.  Minister also was the DJ, and he played a great selection of Latin music.  Dancers dressed for the occasion and Etain handed out Cinco de Mayo maracas and other props.  It was a blast!